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Maths and Physics Tuition in Liss

I am a PhD researcher in Physics at the University of Surrey. I have always had a passion for Maths and Science and the way these subjects can be applied to solve modern problems.

Tutoring Experience

I have had a lot of teaching experience whilst I was school tutoring fellow classmates in maths as well as in the Air Cadets where I taught a variety of subjects. More recently I tutored a student through their Maths A level where she attained the grade needed to get into her university course at Bristol.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that understanding the underlying concepts of a subject are the key to tackling problems. Learning why a technique or a principle works is just as important, if not more so, than memorisation of the technique. As such, I hope to leave students with a well-rounded understanding of a subject rather than rote memorisation of a lot of techniques or methods.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Madrid2020MastersPhysics
Alton College2015SchoolA* Maths A level
Alton College2015SchoolA* Further Maths A level
Alton College2015SchoolA Physics A level
Alton College2015SchoolA Chemistry A level
Alton College2015SchoolA Additional Further Maths AS level
Rating from 2 references


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