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A native Japanese speaker born in Japan, currently living in Scotland.

Tutoring Experience

I have more than two years long experience of teaching Japanese online to students in the UK whose first language is English.

Tutoring Approach


Japanese is one of the friendliest languages for any person to pronounce. I will be introducing Japanese through learning some forms of sentences, speaking and a bit of listening for beginners. Though the language can be extremely tough due to its irregularities in the grammar, I am here to answer the questions about those difficulties that students may face through their learning. I have more than 2 years of experience of tutoring students across a wide range of abilities, from starters to those preparing for GCSE exams.

I can also offer some help with preparing for the A-level (or SQA Highers and Advanced Highers) and GCSE (or National 5) Japanese exams for college and secondary school students.

LanguagesJapanese, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


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British Council2019OtherIELTS (CEFR Level C1)
Pearson2019SchoolA Level Japanese
University of Strathclyde2024MastersMaster of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with Materials Engineering with Merit

Koichiro's Feedback

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