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I'm a friendly and approachable teacher with a passion for helping students to progress in maths. I pride myself on building good relationships with students and make sure I create a safe and secure learning atmosphere so students always feel like they can 'have a go'. That is the key to success with maths, it's often not as bad as it looks! I love the subject and I love teaching.

Tutoring Experience

I have been a full time secondary maths teacher for the past 16 years. I have always tutored within that time. I have taught the full ability range at secondary level and worked with large classes and small groups. As well as GCSE maths I have also taught GCSE Statistics and L2 Further Maths. (This is an excellent bridging qualification between GCSE and A level). For the last 5 years I have worked online for an alternative provision, developing my skills working with learners who struggle to access mainstream education. I work particularly well with anxious learners. I have marked GCSE examinations for the past 10+ years, giving me an excellent insight into exam technique and common misconceptions which I can draw on in my teaching. I am also a specialist SATs marker.

Tutoring Approach

My main approach to teaching is to make sure maths is accessible. If a pupil struggles with something, I can break it down and keep taking backwards steps until we find a place where they are comfortable and we can build on that. I have plenty of experience to be able to use different ways of explaining things. I don't mind how many times a student asks me to explain something, I will keep trying until it clicks. Maths is all about building blocks so once a student has the foundations sorted it is often just a little step upon that to make progress. I am a calm and friendly person who makes sure students feel comfortable to ask any questions at any time. I have had real success with pupils and I feel that is mainly down to my approachable manner, which removes the fear of maths.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


General Teaching Council2009QTSQualified Teacher Status

Katie's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 5 references


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