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Private Online English (Foreign Language) and Media / Communication Studies Tutor

Offer tailored classes in English and Business English to adult learners, along with career focussed classes for those wanting to improve their career prospects in marketing, communications, advertising and the creative industry.

Two decades of experience in the communications industry working with big name brands in the UK, to help you achieve your learning goals. From beginners looking to learn new skills and get into the industry through to advanced learners looking to improve and expand their experience. Also for those wanting to grow their skills in their current role or career.

Areas I teach in include:

Marketing, communications and advertising

Business English - Looking to improve your career and Business English. I have many years of corporate business experience, working with some of the biggest names and brands in the UK.

Conversation and culture sessions - Improve your conversational English through films, TV, music, books, history and, current affairs

Film industry - Want to know more about the film industry, from the history, through to the production process, and much more

Tutoring Experience

Taught business English for professionals looking to advance their career prospects during a career hiatus

Extensive professional experience working in the marketing and communication sector and bring this to my classes, for those wanting real world experience and insight

Tutoring Approach

Passionate about the subjects I teach, my energetic classes are about helping push you to achieve your best and meet your goals but also have fun along the way

For those looking to improve their skills and career prospects, offer practical examples and scenarios, that will bring the subjects alive.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Manchester Metropolitan University1996BachelorsBA Politics and International Relations
West Herts College1998OtherDiploma Public Relations
Rating from 2 references


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