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My name is Karolina. I have been a science teacher in secondary school setting for the last 13 years. Currently I am working with top athletes at one of the top Premier League clubs.

During my time in education I have hold different positions within the school structure. I have extensive experience in both pastoral and academic (head of chemistry) aspects of teaching. I believe that every child has a potential to be successful.

Tutoring Experience

As a teacher I have vast experience in preparing students specifically for Biology and Chemistry GCSE exams and for the entry exams. I have been tutoring in these subjects for the last 17 years, working with students of all abilities.
My experience in teaching has provided me with an expertise in knowing how to successfully prepare individual students for their exams.

Tutoring Approach

There is nothing more effective and efficient than being taught one to one by a passionate, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and qualified teacher. I believe that it is essential to tailor my teaching style to suit different students and their learning styles. I use a range of teaching techniques and approaches to ignite the curiosity and passion for my subjects which translate to excellent results.

LanguagesPolish, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Agriculture University of Cracow2004BachelorsDegree in Environmental Engineering
Thamesmead School2012QTSQTS

Karolina's Feedback

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