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Online Maths and English Tutoring

As long as I can remember, I have always had a burning desire to acquire knowledge, reflect on its educational value, and find interesting ways to share it with others.

Teaching has been, and remains to be the perfect tool that I can use to facilitate that knowledge.

In particular, I have found that teaching children and young adults immensely rewarding and exciting.

As an experienced Teacher, Tutor, Mother of four, and Life Coach, I pride myself on being flexible, kind, patient and caring. I consider my purpose in life to educate, encourage and empower others to be the very best version of themselves, and I genuinely believe that every child has the potential to be a high achieving Adult.

Tutoring Experience

I am a fully qualified and highly experienced Teacher, who has taught a range of students from KS1, through to KS4 in schools within the London Boroughs. I have also successfully tutored ESL students for the FE English Examinations.

My specialism subjects are Maths, English, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning, particularly in preparation for the common entrance examinations and secondary school entrance exams, such as the 11 plus. I offer guidance to both the students and their parents, consolidating the importance of triangulation as a foundation for effective communication between myself, my students and their parents. When requested, I offer advice on school applications and interviews also.

In addition, I also have numerous years of experience working with students who are facing learning difficulties such as dyslexia. Enhanced by my previous SENDCO position in school, I am a passionate practitioner for Every Child Matters both in and beyond the classroom.

Tutoring Approach

Each student begins their journey with me by having an Assessment to determine their current level of attainment. Following the initial assessment, every tutorial is then planned according to the student's next step. I use a variation of online tools to ensure that students receive a varied and current learning programme. I have successfully taught students who have been admitted to various grammar schools in the Bexley, Kent, Medway and Bromley Boroughs, and also a range of independent schools.

Parents can message me directly for advice or information, and I endeavour to be flexible, accessible, and sensitive to their needs.

All lessons are taught online using Zoom.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Goldsmiths University1996BachelorsBAed Primary (hons),
Goldsmiths University2004MastersMA Cultural History
The Coaching Association2019ProfessionalCertified Life Coach and Personal Coach
NCFE CACHE2022ProfessionalCertified Counselling Skills
Rating from 2 references


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