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I have a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering (with Honours) from the University of Birmingham. I am very skilled at Maths, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. I am a calm level headed individual, who take great pleasure in transferring my knowledge and best practises. As a recent student myself I am better able to understand how pupils think; enabling me to better deliver and plan lessons for the best results.

Please note there are T&C to the service provided.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Physics for over 10 years.
I have experience teaching all these subjects from KS3 to University level.

Tutoring Approach

I first try to understand where my pupil is, with regards to knowledge and understanding of the subject. Following on from that, I try to find gaps in their knowledge; impeding them from gaining a full understanding of the topic. Finally, I try to fill in the missing gaps in knowledge and try to round off the topic with an overview of the subject. I believe, once you get the knowledge flowing in a clear concise manner you are able to understand the topic better and pick up new topics faster. Furthermore, I believe, the best way to learn is through doing questions and past papers. I always make sure that my pupils understand the fundamentals/basics of the subject as these are the foundations to build further knowledge on.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Hindi
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Birmingham2014MastersMeng. Chemical engineering
Farmors Sixth form2012CollegeA-levels
Cirencester Deerpark School2010SchoolGCSE

Jubin's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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