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I am both expert in Physics and Chemistry, having studied both at University of Cambridge. However I have also been teaching for 7 years and so have worked with all sorts of students across all sciences and multiple exam boards. I can offer quality tutoring for GCSE or A level sciences (most experience in Physics but confident in all), especially for those looking to top level university places such as Oxford or Cambridge.

Tutoring Experience

After growing up in the middle of nowhere in South Wales, I graduated from University of Cambridge with a 2.i in natural sciences, meaning I studied Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Maths to a high level, as well as spending time tutoring sixth form students from my old sixth form and working in science outreach, and getting the opportunity to research in a biochemical engineering lab working on Alzheimer's research.

I completed my teacher training (PGCE) in 2016 with the University of Cambridge. Since starting teaching in North London, I have gained a deeper understanding of GCSE and A level exam syllabuses. I have made a study of the links between science topics (which makes learning so much easier), learned the most commonly examined ideas and key questions, and perfected best models to master fundamental ideas that underpin science. Even better, I have learned from other great teachers and from my own education research, and know a range of exam technique tips an learning tactics that really boost learning across school subjects and, frankly, in all of life!

Tutoring Approach

From my years teaching and tutoring, I know best results come when lessons are tailored to the student and the situation. My sessions are specific for you.

If you need help improving exam marks, we will practice with my key question database and work on exam technique.

If you need help gaining deep understanding, we will work on applying your ideas to tricky example situations to identify any areas of uncertainty and strengthen them.

If you need to build confidence, I will help you to build up from the basics until you can find the enjoyment and excitement of truly understanding your science studies.

If you don't really know, I will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and build individual lessons plans from there.

I am happy to take on tutoring for all science from A level down to KS3, for individuals or groups. I have most experience in GCSE (all sciences) and A Level Physics and Chemistry.
I change approach to suit each student/group, but generally find sessions of 45mins or 1 hour work best - or 2 hours for dedicated students or multiple subject tutoring work best. Normally once or twice a week, but I will adjust if needed.

All students can expect lessons to feature
- theory-backed spaced repetition (google it - it really works!)
- useful memory aids and learning tips, refined over thousands of classes!
- clear exam-ready key terms definitions to boost understanding
- learning models that help you understand without introducing misconceptions (this was the subject of my Masters in Education - I'm very proud of it)
- up-to-date and in-depth knowledge of how exams work, that only really comes from experienced classroom teachers
- expert exam technique tips and know-how to help boost exam performance
- for those who want to push on further, high level academic knowledge of research science and background detail in how science has build the modern world
- a lot of enthusiasm and some terrible science puns (they do really help you remember)
- a noticeable increase in confidence in school and, ultimately, exam performance!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Cambridge2015MastersNatural Sciences (Chemistry) - Grade 2.i
University of Cambridge2019MastersMasters in Education
University of Cambridge2016PGCEPGCE in Secondary Chemistry

Joseph's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


Subjects taught
First lesson is free!
Casual Learner£60£57
Casual Learner£60£57
Combined ScienceIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£50£47.50
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