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Qualified psychologist and soon-to-be published author with experience delivering educational services to caregivers, support workers, and individuals diagnosed with autism and / or learning disabilities. Throughout my career, I have developed a passion in providing high-quality education that is customised to meet the needs of every learner, regardless of their learning style or level of experience.

Tutoring Experience

Since February 2021, I have delivered educational sessions to numerous care facilities around the UK, in addition to delivering regular courses to individuals diagnosed with autism and / or learning disabilities. Such courses have incorporated elements of my psychological background to provide evidence-based education around topics including mental health, relationships, sexual health, and personal safeguarding.

After having published several short stories in both online and printed literary organisations, I have signed my first book deal with a UK publishing company for a sci-fi trilogy. This has allowed me to develop my skills and knowledge in the subject of English Language & Literature, which I hope to share with others.

Tutoring Approach

My educational sessions always receive strong feedback for their dynamic and inclusive approach, which I have fine-tuned through working with many adults who have been diagnosed with autism and / or learning disabilities.

By maintaining an engaging and person-centred approach to teaching, my learners have reported effective learner outcomes, confidence in their own skills and knowledge, and an outstanding level of satisfaction in the education they received.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available Not On File


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University of Southampton2022MastersMSc Foundations in Clinical Psychology
University of Portsmouth2021BachelorsPsychology (First)
South Downs College2012CollegeEnglish Language & Law
Essential Teaching UK2022OtherLevel 3 Award in Education & Training
Vulpine Press2025OtherPublished Author
Rating from 1 reference


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