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I am a fully qualified teacher with over twenty years of teaching experience and an outstanding track record of results. I have worked in executive leadership in independent education in London, Oxfordshire and Surrey. Winner of the Shine Media Most Inspirational Teacher Award 2016. I am fun, friendly and passionate about education.

Tutoring Experience

I have been working in education for over twenty years and have an excellent track record of results in both A-Level and GCSE. I am happy to support students of all backgrounds and abilities and I have a knack for making complex subjects relatable and engaging. I specialise in Media and Film Studies but can also support several other GCSE subjects.

Tutoring Approach

Initially, I feel it is important to get a tutee both engaged and interested in the subject they are studying. Once they have found their passion point we can then move on to reviewing the language that is specific to their qualification. We then move on to engaging with issues and debates and examining how we get this down on paper in an exam. I support my students by creating resources and video tutorials which I provide access to online. I employ a variety of techniques in my tutoring and this is usually done on a case by case basis. I like to create a bespoke educational experience.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Exeter 2009MastersMA in Film Studies
University of Warwick 2006ProfessionalPCET (Stage Three) Education and Training
University of Paisley 2002BachelorsBA (Hons) Media: Theory and Production

John's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Media / Communication StudiesIn-personOnline
Study SkillsIn-personOnline
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