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This year, I am celebrating 25 years as a full-time A-level and GCSE tutor, and now I am covering public school entrance and scholarship examinations.
I am a (young) 74 and I have a long-standing degree in Physics and Mathematics from Sussex University. More recently and after 9 years of part-time study, I completed another B.Sc. degree, this time with the Open University, securing a 2.1 classification
I started work as an engineer at Rolls Royce Aero Engines in Derby retiring from a management position after 31 years, I had many enjoyable years there and made many friends. It was here that I learned the skill of persuading the most reluctant of listeners.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, history projects, and photography and until recently I organized a major annual revision weekend for students taking undergraduate science and maths exams. However, my passion is for tutoring willing young adults on a one-to-one basis
My time is now filled with my hobbies and ongoing interest in mathematics and the sciences.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Tutoring Experience

My work at Rolls-Royce required me to prepare and present many courses on a wide range of subjects. The feedback from these has always been very positive - apparently, I’m quite persuasive. This experience helped me to become a full Member of the Institute of Quality Assurance.
My interaction with the Open University kept me up to date with modern teaching techniques and the latest developments in my subjects. Most importantly I like to make these subjects fun for the student – but I have lots of physics gadgets for when the formulae get too daunting.
Over the past 20 years, I have met and tutored many young adults and have received some lovely feedback and references
On occasions, I have been approached by local schools to assist students who would benefit from a little extra help.
I just love teaching and helping to build confidence in my chosen subjects. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to help students get the grades they need for their planned careers - or into the public school, university, or profession of their choice.
Please note, unlike some tutors who do this for 'pin' money I undertake tuition as a professional tutor, education is too important to do this as a hobby.
Please contact me for more information – I shall be pleased to answer any of your questions and reassure both parents and students alike.

Tutoring Approach

As much as I love my subjects I recognise that my job is getting the grades needed in exams. With changes to the specifications, this is becoming even more challenging. However, I believe that if the student has a wish to learn then significant progress can be made. I expect to give the student as much time as is necessary to tackle any problems he/she may have especially where schools have moved too quickly onto other topics. Sometimes there is so little time in a school, college or work environment.
I encourage constant feedback from students, parents and the school, I can then focus on individual needs. It will be hard work as I recognise that maths and physics can be challenging - but this means that we can discover, not only the satisfaction of doing well in exams - but also the thrill of understanding difficult subjects. Confidence makes examinations so less formidable.
There will also be a lot of time discussing exam techniques, this is where so many marks can be lost. Trying to understand what the examiner is expecting can sometimes be confusing
We can discuss any need for homework, this is at the request of the parent/student but strongly encouraged by me!
I can be available by e-mail, telephone, Skype, or Facetime to go through problems outside normal tutoring hours. Cancellation/ rescheduling of tutorials is not something I make a meal of - things crop up. Provided this is not abused, and you let me know in advance, fees are not payable if no lesson takes place.
However, I do expect my students to put in some seriously hard work so a direct commitment from the tutee to want to study is paramount. Equally, if you feel that it's not working for you just let me know - I have no minimum contract that some tutors insist upon - you can sack me on the spot.
One last thing, I teach many specifications - 19 at the last count- so I choose not to teach statistics at A level, sorry.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Institute of Physics2012ProfessionalMinstP
Open University2012BachelorsB.Sc. (Hons) 2.1, Physical Sciences
The Tutors' Association2013ProfessionalMember of the Tutors' Association
Sussex University1967BachelorsB.Sc Physics with Mathematics (Hons) Sussex University

John's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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