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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.


Congratulations to my hard-working Tutees! Fantastic results again! :)
A special thanks for super efforts from:
Ellie - for beating lost confidence, starting to love English; from Level 6 to gaining a Level 9 GCSE - now choosing English for A level - a great journey! Fab progress from Level 5 to 7 in History too!
Ed - moving from a Level 6 to Level 8 in English Language
Vishal - with English as a Second Language; embracing a fast track 'Word Gain' challenge and moving from Level 2/3 to Level 6 in English - all within only 6 months!

To all students - young and!

Help is at hand!

Let me help you to raise your grade and perform better in those pesky exams! Or perhaps you would like the benefits of more personalised coaching in general.
I can help you - in tailor-made sessions where YOU feel totally comfortable – where you can ask questions you may think sound 'silly' or even 'obvious’ and without being laughed at…I promise!

We can all get a bit ‘stuck’ with our learning – whatever the subject or process:
• Sometimes…we try hard – learning lots of information BUT we then struggle with exams,
assessments, essays and more…
• Sometimes...we get stuck and find it hard to nudge our grade up by just that little extra bit…grrr!
• Sometimes…we just can’t seem to ‘store’ the information in our heads to start with...
• Sometimes…we have simply ‘switched off’…it’s all ‘too much’...
• Sometimes...we feel studying has been going on for too long...we can’t seem to ‘get back on track’…

Well - you CAN accelerate your progress and improve your outcomes!

Often, we just need a different route – to look at things with fresh eyes, to find the best and speediest ways for YOU to ‘unblock’ any barriers to learning and store that all-important knowledge effectively.

I am skilled in ‘fine-tuning’ – discovering the specific gaps and blocks which may be making learning harder for you.

I specialise in supporting YOUR ability to accelerate YOUR progress.

Remember – we are all life-long learners. Identifying the most effective methods of learning and your particular favourites, will help you now and in the long-term.

Tutoring Experience

Experience & Background
The formal ‘stuff’!
I retain a small student coaching service alongside my core business - a consultancy, coaching and training service across learning and business sectors. I continue to examine for Cambridge [CIE] and I'm also an EQA (quality assurer) for Trident (Laser) Awarding body.
In my extensive experience, as with adults, most young students I continue to work with, experience difficulty in four key areas. They struggle to:
• Precisely understand the ‘brief’ [task directive]
• Compose precise and concise analytical answers or essays
• Undertake and complete, efficient and effective proof-reading and editing of work.
• Complete work within time allocations

Precision coaching and tuition - supporting process, language and revision skills within a given subject or task - offers marked progression, improved outcomes, and most importantly, increased confidence.
It is always a pleasure when students report improvements across their studies and with their own confidence to self-manage challenges effectively.

Ultimately, students need to understand precisely what is required and how to achieve effective outcomes within given time-frames.
Subject interest and knowledge are vitally important, of course BUT how to articulate and communicate this knowledge effectively, analytically and in a timely manner, is also key to maximising success.

Tailor-made sessions can include:
Subject tuition/support – English, English as a second Language [TEFL], History, Sociology, Government & Politics and other subjects with significant language content and essay writing requirements.
Revision & learning support –study/process skills, revision programmes, essay-writing skills
Specific learning needs – sessions to support those needing curriculum adaptations – i.e. those with dyslexia and dyspraxia

I have many years experience advising and training in relation to communication and education and sales; holding teaching, education leadership, business & sales roles. I still work as a communication and educational consultant, coach and trainer across business and learning sectors.
Educationally, Additional Needs [SEND] and EAL [TEFL] have been my specialist areas – including Most Able, Gifted and Talented learners. I have experience working across both state and independent sectors. As a leader of specialist educational services, I developed and managed tailored provision, across the curriculum, for learners with diverse learning and additional needs. As a county-wide adviser, I developed and delivered comprehensive training packages for relevant stakeholders with advisory and monitoring services to support improved outcomes for learners - including adults. As such, I have an strong understanding of the 'bigger picture' for my young learners and the wider demands upon them as they try to 'juggle it all'!
I enjoy keeping capacity to coach young students still - often insightful and always rewarding!

Key educational roles:
Independent education and training consultant - providing educational consultancy and training packages for businesses and relevant educational settings
Educational Adviser/Consultant for Worcestershire - advising, developing & delivering training programmes to teachers, headteachers, external agencies & key stakeholders - helping them to maximise the progress of their learners and improve outcomes.
Inclusion Manager; Additional Needs Unit Manager [county-wide Gross Language Disorder Unit] - establishing an Additional Needs infrastructure & developing personalised learning & support programmes for learners - Most Able, Gifted and Talented learners; those with additional physical needs or specific learning needs such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and those with SEMH [Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs].

Tutoring Approach

An initial, informal and relaxed interview - 'chat'- is key to identifying the needs and wishes of all my tutees - I always respect the views of my clients - whether adult or young person - if we don't 'connect' personally, coaching will be dreaded and unlikely to succeed.

I have a reputation for quickly developing a professional yet warm rapport with everyone – it is really satisfying when even the most disgruntled young students start to see the real value of their efforts, to become more hopeful...and smile more!

I often find young students in particular, like to have a good 'moan' about their learning issues during that initial informal meeting! Once relaxed, we then complete a specialist questionnaire which I use to further analyse their current needs and establish some initial targets.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Leeds [Scarborough College]1992PGCEEducation
University College Worcester1991BachelorsBA [hons] History/English Lit/Sociology
Dublin School of English1987ProfessionalRSA/CELTA
Worcester College of Technology1986CollegeRSA intermediate secretarial

Jacqueline's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


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