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I am an experienced teacher of 36 years having taught in the primary, middle and secondary sectors. I have taught English and mathematics in an inner city comprehensive school with maths and computing specialist status, in addition I have taught in primary and middle schools where I have held two appointments as a mathematics coordinator and was a primary headteacher for 12 years. I regularly tutor on courses for teachers on dyscalculia and how to teach an outstanding lesson. More recently I have worked closely with a number of Universities in the North West as professional mentor to their PGCE students; I mentor teachers who are retraining to be qualified as mathematics teachers in secondary schools; coach primary and secondary teachers on the National College for School Leaders ‘Leading From the Middle’ course. I have a vast experience of working with teachers and other professionals in my position as an associate lecturer with a local university teaching on their post graduate certificate in mentoring, post graduate diploma in education, MA in Education and MSc in Educational Leadership and Management courses. My research interests are in teacher education and continuing professional development particularly in the area of mentoring. I am currently supervising MA and MSc students with research interests in mathematics, Initial Teacher Training and the use of Mentoring as a tool to enhance continuing professional development.

Tutoring Experience

My teaching experience is wide and varied teaching in primary, middle and secondary schools in addition to teaching for a local university on its MA and MSc courses. I have been working as a private tutor since 1977 teaching mathematics and English to GCSE level to a wide range of students from primary age pupils to adults. I have also tutored adults through access to university courses, following them through their university courses assisting them in their assignments.
I hold a qualification in Understanding Autism and have used my knowledge gained from the course to work with students on the autism spectrum. Likewise, I work with students who show dyscalculic tendencies.
I have extensive experience working with parents and students who have opted to be educated through home schooling.

Tutoring Approach

I adopt a friendly but firm approach to tutoring with an expectation that parents will support the learning process.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The Open University2009DoctorateDoctorate in Education
The Open University1997MastersMaster of Arts in Education
The Open University1989MastersMaster of Arts in Education
The Open University1984BachelorsBachelor of Arts (Honours)

Ivan's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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