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Private Online Spanish and English (Foreign Language) Tutor

Hey there! I am excited to support you learn Spanish or English as a foreign language. I've got a background in translation and international communication, gender studies and transformational coaching, a love for foreign languages and cultures and a passion to support people enjoy language learning as much as I do!

I was born and raised in beautiful Spain where my family is still based and where I started learning English at the age of 5. My MA studies brought me to London, where I now work as communications professional at a renowned university.

I speak Spanish, English, French and a little tiny bit of German (which isn't enough to count, really!).

Speaking different languages has been a skill I've always loved since it's allowed me to meet wonderful people, travel comfortably and respectfully, move countries and genuinely have a good time learning!

Tutoring Experience

I've taught Spanish and English as a second language to young and senior adults and supported people strengthen their communications skills throughout my career. I only take students whose language level is intermediate or advanced (that's from a B2 to C2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Tutoring Approach

I ask you to bring:
- Lots of motivation
- A willingness to talk (without worrying about making mistakes - that's how we learn, after all)

Spanish and English support:
We'll have an initial chat so I can learn more about what interests you, what language level you're in and what specific skills you want to focus on. I like touching on the four main skills as much as possible (those are listening, speaking reading and writing), how much time we spend in each one depends on you! I'll curate the content so it adapts to your interests and level as much as possible and we'll hopefully have a blast!

Writing and communications support:
These classes will be practice based. Either from examples you want to work on or from exercises I will prepare. We can look at learning to write clearly and concisely, how to adapt your content for different audiences or how translate technical or specialised content into simple, easy to follow English.

LanguagesSpanish, English (British), French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


SOAS2018MastersGender Studies
Comillas University (Madrid, Spain)2017BachelorsTranslation and International Communication
Animas Centre for Coaching2021ProfessionalTransformational Coaching
Rating from 3 references


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