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Chemistry Teacher in Hull

I hold a BSc and MSc in Petroleum Engineering. I have a PhD in chemistry. I am an expert tutor in different chemistry and engineering areas.

Tutoring Experience

With my PhD in chemistry and a strong background in petroleum engineering, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my role as a tutor. My expertise extends across diverse university-level subjects, including chemistry, petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, and energy engineering.

Tutoring Approach

In my approach to teaching, I prioritize understanding each student's unique learning style. By tailoring my methods to their preferences, I aim to create a personalized and effective learning experience. I incorporate interactive sessions to make the learning process engaging and dynamic, fostering a positive environment that encourages active participation.

Punctuality is a key aspect of my teaching philosophy. I believe in the importance of efficient and well-structured lessons, ensuring that the time spent in each session is utilized effectively for the benefit of the student. Additionally, I actively seek and value feedback from my students. This continuous exchange helps me refine my teaching methods, ensuring a more targeted and responsive approach to their needs.

Homework assignments are integral to my tutoring strategy, serving a dual purpose. Not only do they reinforce the topics covered in our sessions, but they also provide valuable insights into areas where students may require additional support. This approach allows me to address specific challenges during subsequent lessons, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Drawing from my extensive teaching experience, I've successfully assisted college students in grasping fundamental concepts in chemistry and mathematics, contributing to their success in examinations. My dedication to fostering academic excellence remains steadfast, and I am enthusiastic about continuing to inspire and guide students on their educational journey.

References Available On File


University of Hull2023DoctorateChemistry
Isfahan University of Technology2018MastersPetroleum Engineering
Marvdasht University2013BachelorsPetroleum Engineering
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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