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Home Tuition for Maths in Bristol

FULLY QUALIFIED TEACHER. I have worked as a fully qualified teacher at primary and secondary level for the last 10 years. I offer Maths tuition from year 6 - Foundation GCSE level. I have worked in state, private and alternative provisions and so have a lot of experience across a range of needs and academic abilities, who require different types of intervention to help them succeed.

Tutoring Experience

After my undergraduate degree at SOAS (University of London), I went on to complete my teaching qualification (PGCE) at King's College (London) a number of years ago and have been working as a teacher ever since. I specialise in Maths and Religious Education and have taught these subjects in both primary and secondary schools (KS2, KS3, KS4). I am very passionate about education, thereby my students have always done well in the subjects that I have taught them. I really enjoy one-to-one teaching as both student and teacher can narrow down and achieve their set targets quite efficiently. In regards to online learning, I have 4 years experience in online delivery. I have taught online both as a classroom teacher and as a tutor. Young people enjoy online delivery as the platforms and software available now offer the same flexibility and options as in-person sessions.

Tutoring Approach

My sessions are young person led and consent based. I am a trauma informed practitioner and thus use an assets based approach.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Turkish
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


SOAS2013BachelorsBA with honours
Kings college2015PGCEReligious Education
Teaching Regulation Agency2016QTSSecondary level (includes primary level qualification)

Heidi's Feedback

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