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I am an experienced and enthusiastic language teacher with a university degree and a PGCE in Modern Foreign Languages. I have ten years of teaching experience in primary schools, secondary schools, sixth forms, language schools and abroad. I now tutor full-time and I love the variety.
Outside of the classroom I enjoy travelling, hiking and zumba. I have lived in Spain for two years and I have spent time living and travelling in Germany and France. I have had a passion for learning languages since being a child, and I love passing my knowledge onto others.

Tutoring Experience

With a decade of experience teaching and tutoring languages, I have an in-depth knowledge of exam specifications and language learning techniques. I have experience marking and assessing GCSE and A Level papers. I am also a qualified TESOL teacher, and have spent two years teaching English as a foreign language abroad to children and adults.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching methods are based on my practical experiences and depend on the objective of the student. As a long-time learner of languages, I will tailor sessions and give you all my tips to reach your requirements. I try to include a variety of activities to cover the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. I aim to ensure that progress is made across all skills areas. For students wishing to learn a language for academic purposes, I also include grammar and vocabulary. For students who are more interested in functional language skills, my main focus is on communication via speaking, and using authentic resources to prepare them for life/holidays in a foreign country.

LanguagesEnglish (British), German, Spanish, French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Nottingham Trent University2015Bachelors1st- BA Joint Honours German and Spanish
Málaga2016ProfessionalTrinity CERT TESOL
Newcastle University2018PGCEPGCE in Modern Foreign Languages

Heather's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 4 references


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