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Home Tuition for French and German in Mirfield

I teach Spanish, French and German and specialise in improving and achieving high grades at GCSE.
I have been teaching languages and music at both primary and high school level for over 26 years. I have lived and worked in Germany, France and Spain over the years. I have taught to A level , however I specialise in GCSE courses and primary languages. I am friendly and approachable and try to make lessons fun. Music is also my passion and I teach a variety of instruments.

Tutoring Experience

After achieving a BA honours in Business and languages , I completed my PGCE and gained qualified teacher status in 1992. I have taught in primary and high schools since then and for the last 8 years have run my own private language music studio.

Tutoring Approach

Lessons are individualised, with learner's needs in mind. I try to bring an element of fun whilst teaching skills needed to progress.
I can teach towards exams or just for fun ! I cover GCSE syllabus, ABRSM, Rock School, Trinity

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


UCLAN1990BachelorsBA Hons Business and languages
St martins lancaster1991PGCEModern language subsidiary music
ABRSM2015OtherABRSM Grade 8 music theory

Heather's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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