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I am currently head of subject of History and Government and Politics at an independent school in Brighton. I have prior experience teaching in North London and Oxfordshire. I am also an experienced examiner in GCSE & A Level History, as well as A Level Politics.

I have previously trained at Oxford University and am currently also undertaking a part time PhD at King's College London.

My specialist topics are broad and varied, but I have an especial knowledge of Pearson History GCSEs and A Level Government and Politics. In terms of Politics, my particular areas of strength are British politics and ideologies. However, I've also extensively studied comparative, international, and American politics.

Further to my History exam-based knowledge, I greatly enjoy all aspects of social, military, and political history across all key stages.

Tutoring Experience

I have a broad range of teaching and tutoring experience in the UK of around two years - I have also previously taught & tutored English in South Korea.

Tutoring Approach

My priority as a teacher is to enhance my students' understanding and attainment by providing stimulating, inspiring, and engaging lessons. Students ultimately should enjoy the subject, get a feel for the drama of the period they're studying, and be able to critically reflect on various issues and debates within history and politics.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Korean
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Oxford University2016PGCEPass
King's College London2009MastersHigh Merit
Sussex University2008BachelorsUpper 2.1

Guy's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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