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In addition to my academic qualifications and extensive experience in private tuition & teaching across the tertiary sector, I have considerable industry sector experience at Westminster & Whitehall, and as a party political campaigner, that could support student career pathways, providing 'at the coal-face' insights & experience.

Tutoring Experience

Private tuition for A-Level & EPQ for several academic years since 2011

Career mentoring at my alma mater university for majority of academic years since 2010

Associate Lecturer in Politics at several universities in 2000s/2010s/2020s

College lecturer in Politics, History & Classical Civilization in 2010s

Tutoring Approach

My teaching approach is person-centred, taking into account diverse learner needs, and also with a blending in of the student's other subjects as relevant to provide greater focus & complimentary in establishing linkages between themes & topics.

My teaching is not limited to core text books, but using a variety of suite of resources including e-articles, journals and visual aides, as befits the needs of auditory, visual & kinaesthetic learner preferences.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Liverpool Hope University2017PGCEFurther & Post-Compulsory Education
Lancaster University2000MastersDiplomacy

Gareth's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0