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Private Maths and Physics Tutor in Herne Bay

I'm calm and patient (that's what others say) and PGCE qualified. This combination of quiet nurturing and more formal teaching produces happier, more confident students which gets the best out of them. Having tutored in home education, online [classes and individuals] and face-to-face, with experience of teaching at college, non-selective & selective schools and being involved in industrial training situations, I feel equipped to teach effectively in any setting.
My advantage over many other tutors is that my time spent as a professional engineer has given me a practical insight as to how Physics, Chemistry and Maths can be applied to real life situations in industry. This makes the subjects more interesting and valid to students.
I attained my teaching qualification (PGCE in Physics with Maths) in 2014.
I am married with children and grandchildren, and as a result of this family life and my working life, I feel I have a thorough understanding of youngsters, students and adults alike.

Tutoring Experience

Physics, Maths, Engineering and Sciences are my subjects.
To the present time I have lectured in / taught / tutored Physics, Engineering, Chemistry and Maths, at various academic levels (mainly GCSE, Access to university and HNC/D) and tutored Biology to GCSE. I have also acted as a personal tutor to many students. As a result of previously teaching at four different schools (selective and non-selective,) I obtained my PGCE qualification. I have also completed studies into students' misconceptions (a major barrier to learning) and dyslexia and have taught several students who suffered disabilities or mental health problems.

Tutoring Approach

It is difficult to accurately convey an approach, so I would just say give it a try and see how it goes. If the tutoring doesn't work there is no obligation to continue, and I believe this website allows you to change without further charge. I do try to be flexible in my approach, so I'd be happy to be a tutor who you can call on when needed and not necessarily have a rigid weekly lesson. I'd also be happy to do whole or part days at a time. This flexibility has proved useful to both home educated and school taught students- being largely retired allows for this. I follow whichever curriculum suits the student and I try to use my industrial experience to bring the school work more to life.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


University of Oxford1980BachelorsEngineering Science (MA)
University of Kent2009BachelorsEnglish and American Literature with Creative Writing
Canterbury Christchurch Uni.2014PGCEPhysics with Mathematics
University of Oxford1985MastersEngineering Science

Francis's Feedback

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