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Maths and Physics Lessons in Harrow

Hello! I'm Femke, but my friends like to call me Fem. Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile. I bet you're here because physics and maths aren't your favourite subjects at school, or maybe because you'd like to be even better than you are right now (if so, then please let me borrow some of that ambition sometimes!)

I have recently completed my PhD at Brunel University and am currently lecturer in Mathematics and Programming. Besides that I am the proud owner of a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering and an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics. But to be honest, we Dutch people aren't really keen on bragging about our qualifications.

I'm very passionate about science and engineering, and I promise you, I won't convince you that they're the best subjects in the world. But my enthusiasm may create a spark, figuratively - not the hot, red incandescent particles created by low thermal conductive metals like titanium and zirconium.

Tutoring Experience

I've been tutoring and teaching mathematics and physics since 2014. My previous students described me as an enthusiastic tutor whose specialty is teaching the fundamentals of problem-solving, the most valuable skill of a physics and math student. I also have an associate fellowship in higher education.

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring philosophy centres around mastery of the subject rather than just scraping by to pass exams. It's about laying a solid foundation upon which you can build a robust understanding and appreciation for mathematics, physics and programming. My Certificate as an Associate Fellowship in Higher Engineering underscores my ability to apply research backed teaching methods in my tutoring session. This unique approach is what sets me apart, ensuring that my students are not only prepared for university but are ahead of the curve.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Fontys University of Applied Sciences2018BachelorsBSc Engineering Physics
Brunel University London2019MastersMSc Biomedical, Biomechanics and Bioelectronics Engineering
Brunel University London2024DoctoratePhD Biomedical Engineering
Rating from 2 references


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