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Currently I am a third year PhD student in Chemistry at University of Reading.I hold a 1st Class Honours degree in Biochemistry from the University of Warwick. For more than two years I was working as a laboratory chemist in the industry of analytical chemistry.

I am happy to help with Biology (up to) degree level, Chemistry, Maths, Physics (up to) A level and Russian language (any level), as I am a native speaker.
Although I tend to focus on older students, please feel free to contact me if you need help with primary/secondary level teaching.

Tutoring Experience

I've been tutoring now for three years. As part of my PhD program I am involved in teaching/demonstrating activities for undergraduate students. I am also doing various public engagement and outreach activities, including schools.
In the past years I had number of students with variety of needs, including both short (couple of months) and long (the whole academic year) term tuition.
I have experience mentoring and tutoring college students who were getting some work experience in our labs.
Introducing new employees to their position and work duties.
General mentoring and tutoring of younger students during high school.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that understanding is the key, especially in science. It is crucial so the knowledge could be applied later. So I aim to explain the principles which can be later used by tutee independently in order to solve the problems.

In usually tend to discuss the teaching plan/approach with both parents and tuitees in order to identify the most desired strategy for the best possible results.

Feel free to contact me with your enquiries and I will do my best to help you.

LanguagesRussian, English (British), Latvian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


The University of Warwick2013BachelorsFirst Class BSc(Hons) Biochemistry

Evita's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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