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Hello! I'm Emma and I'm a qualified and experienced teacher and tutor, keen to help young people out there with their Maths qualifications, whether that be to re-build confidence in the subject after a disruptive year of teaching or to focus tightly on key development areas for an upcoming exam.

Now in my late twenties, my career so far has seen me both in and out of the classroom. I am currently working at an education charity supporting schools and teachers to build the essential skills of their learners alongside academic knowledge, skills such as problem solving and teamwork. However, I still love working directly with young people, supporting them with their studies and witnessing their improvement - there is no better feeling!

Here is my journey so far:
I graduated from the University of Exeter with a 1st class Business Management degree, during which I took on an industrial placement at The Walt Disney Company.
I then trained to be a teacher through the TeachFirst leadership programme and taught Maths at a Secondary school, at both KS3 and 4 level. I have a proven track record of improving progress and increasing attainment and confidence in my students. Throughout my teaching career, I have received high quality training and am privy to the most up to date educational research and teaching methods.

I have also recently completed a Masters degree in 'Transformational Leadership in Education' as I am passionate about changing the education system in England for the better!

And finally, I now work for an organisation working to build the essential skills that students need to succeed alongside their academic knowledge. So, not only can I help my learners improve their academic ability, I can also support them to develop skills such as listening, problem solving and self-management simultaneously.

Tutoring Experience

In terms of my tutoring experience, I started 1:1 tutoring during my time as a teacher - I held intervention sessions for Year 10 and 11 students in need of raising their attainment for their upcoming exams.
I have since ventured into private tutoring and have tutored a range of students, at differing abilities, all of whom have improved in their Mathematic ability as a result.

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring method is thorough.
First things first, is to get to know my students personally, building a rapport so that they feel comfortable to take risks, make mistakes (and learn from them) and ask me questions (even if it's the same one over and over again!).

I identify the knowledge gaps of my students through formative and summative assessment and use this data to effectively tailor my lessons to the needs of the learner.

My sessions are structured to include clear and concise explanations, followed by scaffolded and supported teacher/student practice if required, concluding with independent student practice extended with challenge if necessary.

As a result of my current job, I have an in-depth knowledge of how essential skills such as Problem Solving and Listening can be built to further unlock learning. This means that whilst working with students to improve their mathematical understanding, I also support them to develop key skills which will help them to unlock learning in all subject areas due to these skills' transferability.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


George Abbot Sixth Form2013CollegeMathematics A-Level - Grade A
George Abbot Sixth Form2013CollegeGeography A Level - Grade A*
George Abbot Sixth Form2013CollegeBusiness Studies A Level - Grade A
University of Exeter2017BachelorsBusiness Management
Canterbury Christchurch University2019MastersTransformational Leadership in Education
Canterbury Christchurch University2018QTSQualified Teacher Status

Emma's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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