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I lived and worked in France for 20 years and have recently come back to Somerset to live. I am an unashamed Francophile and love (almost!) everything about the country and its language. I visit regularly and still have many French friends with whom I communicate regularly.

Tutoring Experience

Before moving to France, I taught secondary French to GCSE level in English schools and organized regular exchanges with schools in Albi and Caen. Whilst in France, I worked as an estate agent and gave French lessons to English clients who wanted to learn the language.

Tutoring Approach

All learners are individual and will have differing needs. I have a relaxed attitude to teaching and aim to remove any stress from the language-learning process.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Exeter University1982BachelorsB.Ed Honours (French)
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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