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I am passionate about the arts and crafts. I love sharing my skills and experience with others to help them on their personal journeys. I am currently working with learners from the ages of 5 - 77 who are interested in a range of subjects but have capacity to take on some additional students as my GCSE students were successful in the summer.

Tutoring Experience

I have 22 years as a Head of Music in secondary schools in Plymouth and Birmingham. I have extensive special educational needs experience and often managed classes of SEND students in English. I have taken examination groups through a variety of qualifications including: English (Language and Literature), Music (GCSE and vocational qualifications), Textiles (knitting, hand and machine sewing, crochet, fabric painting and free motion embroidery), Research qualifications (A Level), Instrument lessons and examinations on Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Keyboard and Vocals.

Tutoring Approach

I personalise lessons for the students I am working with. I find out what their end goals are and work out a programme of learning that is going to get them from where they are when I meet them to achieving their final goal. Some students are interested in working towards qualifications whilst others have lessons to improve a skill or hobby.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Plymouth Marjon University2012MastersM.Ed in CPD
University of East Anglia, Colchester Institute1995BachelorsBachelor of Arts
University of Central England1996PGCEPost Graduate Certificate of Education (secondary)
AQA2007CollegeEnglish Language
The Associated Examining Board1992CollegeEnglish Literature
Rating from 2 references


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