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Private English and History Tuition in Maryland

I am a highly motivated and adaptable person. I have a natural affinity with children and adults alike and derive an immense pleasure in aiding people to achieve their potential, both academically and in life. Helping others comes naturally to me and I enjoy putting these skills into practice.

Tutoring Experience

I have over twelve years teaching experience and have worked in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex and Greater London. During my the course of my teaching career I have worked in the primary, secondary and FE sectors.

I am currently a A-level humanities curriculum manager and course team leader for A level History at an Further Education College. I have worked in Newham for two secondary schools doing One to One English Tuition. I have also marked GCSE Edexcel history for ten years and AQA A-level history papers for five years. I was a team leader for AQA managing a group of examiners. In terms of my private tuition I have experience of teaching a wide range of learners in subjects such as English, History, Government and Politics and Business Studies.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that every learner is an individual with different strong points and areas for improvement. I encourage the learner to build on their existing knowledge of the subject and use a variety of methods to install confidence, curiosity and initiative. I use imaginative and relevant resources and have a warm and friendly style of teaching.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Greenwich University2003PGCEPGCE
Sunderland University1996BachelorsBA(Hons)History and Politics
Rating from 2 references


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