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Music Teacher in Canonbury


Professional Music Composer and Producer, with over 7 years of experience working in the Music, Film and Media Industries.

Tutoring Experience

I currently offer teaching and mentoring in the following areas:

  1. Music/Audio Production
  2. Guitar Performance
  3. Music Theory

Tutoring Approach

My methods are generally adapted to each individual’s needs and objectives, however, they do not include classical music training approaches, such as sight reading or formal classical music training. Instead, my approach focuses on developing an intuitive understanding of music, through knowing elements such as intervalic structures, mathematical permutations, analogies derived from other disciplines etc. The ultimate goal of my approach is to allow the individual to form a profound mental mechanism which will allow she/he to compose, produce or play ANY type of music.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


London College of Music, University of West London2019BachelorsBA (Hons) Music Technology Specialist
University College London2019BachelorsCourse: Ambisonics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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