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Home Tuition for Geography and Entrance Exams in Acton

I hold a PhD in Geography, at the University of Sheffield, researching into the role of partnerships in delivering environmental benefits in UK farming. Prior to this, I was a Masters student at the University of Sheffield, where I studied MSc Environmental Change and International Development, obtaining a merit. I completed my Undergraduate degree at the University of Cambridge, where I studied BA (Hons) Geography, and obtained a 2.1.

I was previously a postgraduate fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS). I was also chair for the Postgraduate Forum (PGF) at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG) during the 2017-2018 academic year, where I helped the RGS-IBG support postgraduate students nationally.

I have previously been a Geography Ambassador for the RGS-IBG and visited schools around the area giving talks on the relevance of the subject to society, giving topic relevant talks and trying to promote the study of the subject further.

Tutoring Experience

I have experience of privately tutoring a variety of students from KS3 up to University Level in Geography and have prepared students for a number of different exam board examinations as well as having some examiner experience.

I was also a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Sheffield. I have taught at both undergraduate level (as a workshop demonstrator, seminar tutor and examiner) to masters level (on an international development fieldclass). As part of this role I have also undergone Sheffield Teaching Assistant Training (studying different educational philosophies and practices) and have achieved Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).

I also have a wealth of experience as a university counsellor, both within schools and organisations, aiding students in their career and subject choices, academic monitoring, and also enabling students to aim for top universities in the UK, USA, Hong Kong, Australia and further afield. This means I am also happy to aid on university consultancy work and guide students through university applications for the UK and further afield.

Finally, working at a leading international school for four years I was the Geography subject lead, developing curriculum materials and ensuring the highest academic standards. In June 2023 100% of my students achieved Grade A* at A Level and Grades 8-9 at GCSE, whilst in June 2024, 92% of my students achieved Grades A-A*.

Tutoring Approach

I aim to provide a fresh approach to tutoring. This involves trying to bring the subject alive and always relating the subject matter to the real world, I believe that this makes content much easier to understand and more exciting.

For each session, I shall prepare a series of notes, which may be accompanied with a powerpoint which I will supply to the student. I aim to relate all material covered to the exam, as ultimately exam technique will be key to success at these levels. Wherever possible, I will make sure the student understands the work covered through setting a series of tasks and then marking these and providing feedback , if required.

I aim to be easily available to be contacted by phone and e-mail if extra help or advice is ever needed. I am very flexible and will try to accommodate most student's needs.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The University of Sheffield2014MastersMSc Environmental Change and International Development, Merit
The University of Cambridge2014BachelorsBA (Hons) Geography, 2.1
The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School2011SchoolA Level Geography (A*), A Level Economics (A), A Level Environmental Studies (B), AS Level Physics (C)
The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School2009SchoolGCSEs - 9 at A*: English Language, English Literature, Classical Civilisation, Geography, Business Studies, ICT, Core Science, Additional Science,Religious Studies and 1 at A: Mathematics

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