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Maths and Physics Tuition in Towcester

I have a MA honours degree in Biochemistry from Oxford University and have twenty years experience in teaching and 1:1 tuition. Before that I was an Industrial Scientist in the electro-chemical industry. I have great experience in tutoring Chemistry, Biology and physics to A level and Maths to GCSE.

Tutoring Experience

I teach students at all levels whether this involves short term revision and exam practice before exams or in covering the entire syllabus over a more extended period. I have been tutoring privately for over ten years with considerable success in improving exam grades. Typically a student will come once a week for one hours tuition and would typically be expected complete one hour of homework for the following, although this is entirely at the students discretion.

Tutoring Approach

Because of my Industrial background I am told my style engages pupils with the subject and helps them to relate the syllabus to the real world. I believe in intensive practice in answering and marking past papers in the lead up to exams (2 months in advance) as this tends to be the single most important factor in developing exam technique and increasing confidence in the pupil. I teach all the major syllabuses and have extensive past papers materials in all the syllabuses. I can provide references if required.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University College, Oxford1976MastersBiochemistry MA from Oxford University (1976),
Marlborough college 1972SchoolA grade qualifications in Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Physics Alevel
Marconi Technology Research2001Professional25 years of Scientific research in Electronics.
Home1997Other15 years private tutor in science
Rating from 2 references


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