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Hello, my name is Coral. I'm a qualified English teacher, SQA Marker and Principal Teacher of Pupil Support in a secondary school with 14 years of tutoring experience in all levels of the Scottish curriculum.

I graduated from the University of Glasgow with an MA in Literary Studies (Merit) and also a Post Graduate Diploma in Education(PGDE) specialising in teaching English in the Secondary sector. I have a real passion for education, literature and language and in my spare time I love reading new books and discovering different authors. I am very approachable, outgoing and friendly which I find lends itself to tutoring young people, particularly those who are lacking in confidence.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored privately for the past 14 years covering both the National 5 and Higher English curriculum which has allowed me to acquire a firm understanding of the demands that individual tutoring presents. The students that I have had the opportunity to tutor have ranged from 12 - 18 in age and I have covered all stages of the Scottish curriculum. Having worked as an English teacher for a number of years, I also have experience in teaching all areas of the English curriculum from National 3 - Higher and have a clear and extensive working knowledge of all developments in the curriculum. In addition to this, I was an SQA marker for the National 5 Critical Reading exam and have held this role for the past 4 years which has allowed me to keep abreast of national priorities and changes as well as having a current and thorough understanding of national standards for this course.

I have significant experience as both a Principal Teacher of Pupil Support and Principal Teacher of Guidance in a Secondary school and therefore I'm responsible for managing all aspects of Learning Support and have specialist knowledge in differentiation for a range of ASN. I have undertaken a number of different professional learning activities and courses which have furthered my specialist knowledge of teaching pupils with ASN and have a keen interest particularly in helping those with Dyslexia, ASD and EAL.

Tutoring Approach

I strongly believe that no student is the same and this is why I advocate a student tailored approach rather than a "one lesson fits all" mentality. I like to spend a little time in the first session discussing learning techniques that have proved successful for the student and techniques they feel do not work for them, at this time I also like to discuss the areas that need improvement. I believe that it is important to create a plan for each student's individual needs in order for them to understand how to reach their goals. I tend to keep sessions fairly informal but always challenging and encourage any questions to be asked to enhance the learning experience.

Over the course of the last year, I have offered online tutoring with Microsoft Teams or Skype as a platform. Although this was initially in response to the pandemic, I have found this to be an effective way of engaging young people from the comfort of their own homes whilst also using a platform that has been a staple of their school education during blended learning and lockdown. It has been particularly helpful for pupils who can find tutoring an initially nerve wracking prospect and has yielded excellent results for those I have seen in this way with all students achieving an A or high B in their Higher and National 5 qualifications last session. I am continuing to offer online sessions in the first instance for this session but would be happy to discuss further to ensure it suits your needs.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss tutoring for yourself or your child then please get in touch!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Glasgow2013PGCEPGDE (Secondary English)
University of Glasgow2012BachelorsMa Literary Studies (Merit)
GTCS2013ProfessionalGTCS Registration

Coral's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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