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Chrisvy Jica

Maths and Physics Lessons in Bristol

Heya! Call me CJ! I'm a dedicated tutor who wants to see you achieve academic success. I'm a recent Master's graduate in Astrophysics at Queen Mary University of London, holding a Bachelor's in Physics with Astrophysics from Keele University. With a strong foundation in math and physics, I specialise in breaking down complex concepts into simple steps.

Tutoring Experience

I have privately tutored a student in A-level Maths for 2 years who is now at a Top 10 UK University doing Maths. I take pride in having inspired a love for the subject, as they were orginally supposed to pursue a different course.

I have also mentored a GCSE student in Physics and Maths, achieving a grade above their predicted results.

I was also a dance leader who patiently taught 15+ people choreography, all at different types of levels.

Tutoring Approach

Practice, practice, practice! Consistent efforts lead to mastery. I approach sessions with patience and adaptability, creating an environment where I encourage questions and making mistakes. These are very valuable qualities to instill at early stages of life that will payoff inthe future.

I think it's very important to understand the student's strengths and weaknesses so that we know how to target specific subjects. I like to break down questions and create "recipes" so that there's a systematic way to answer them.

When i find that one way of explaining a topic does not work, I use different ways such as visualising concepts into graphs or giving real life examples. There's no rush to learning, we go at it at your own pace.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Queen Mary University of London2024MastersAstrophysics
Keele University2022BachelorsPhysics with Astrophysics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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