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My name is Chris , and I am a highly experienced tutor of Maths, English and 11+ entrance tuitions for selective schools, for the past 20 years.
I teach Maths at Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 ,Key Stage 3 and GCSE level.
I also teach English at Key Stage 1. Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 and GCSE level (English Language only).

I am also a highly successful 11+ Tutor, and I have a 90% success rate at helping students get into Grammar Schools and Private Schools ((this is 9 times higher than the average of 10% of students who sit an 11+ exam, and then get into their selective school).
In addition to this, I am experienced at preparing Adult students for the Qts Numeracy & Literacy Tests and i have a 100% success rate with this (4 out of 4 in Numeracy have passed, and 2 out of 2 in Literacy). I also am experienced preparing students for other Numeracy & Literacy Tests. I live in Melksham, Wiltshire.
I have been tutoring for 20 years, and have 51 written references from parents and I also have a Maths degree.
I have for much of those 20 years worked as a full-time tutor, and I use National Curriculum Resources for all my tuitions.

Tutoring Experience

During my 20 years as a tutor, I have taught students of all ages and abilities, and have literally taught 1000's of lessons- at times teaching as many as 29 hours of tuition in a week. I have taught every type of student from those with Learning Disabilities to the Gifted & Talented.
I am constantly recommended by parents to other parents, and I have a proven track record of improving students' grades. I also have resources and past papers , for 11+ 13+, SATS (English & Maths) and GCSE Maths.

Tutoring Approach

I am a friendly person by nature , and I take this into my tuitions. I like to make my students feel at ease in the lessons , and that they have a tutor that they feel they can ask as many questions as they like.I also believe in offering plenty of praise and encouragement to my students.
I follow the National Curriculum programme in my tutoring, to cover all aspects of the syllabus.However, even if I have prepared a certain topic for a lesson, if the student then asks me to look over in a different topic, or wants me to help them with some school homework, then I am always flexible to do just that. I also never move on to a new topic with a student, until I am happy that they have fully understood what I have been teaching. My method of teaching is to teach a topic, and then set the student plenty of practice examples , to make sure they fully understand the topic.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Queen Mary College, London.1987BachelorsMaths

Christopher's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)2
Rating from 2 references


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