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I normally work as a data analyst which involves analysing data using several programming languages such as R, SQL, PYTHON, SAS, VBA etc. I have a PhD in mathematical statistics and a BSc in maths and physics. I have taught at secondary schools for several years and tutored university under-graduates. Teaching Maths is a passion for me and, in my view, is the most satisfying job in the world. I helped (and still do) many students from a variety of backgrounds, from school kids to young adults to succeed in their exams and progress towards their professional career goals.

Tutoring Experience

1984 - 1985: Teacher of Physics/Chemistry
1985 - 1987: Teacher of Baccalaureate Mathematics
1990 - 1994: Under-graduate tutor (probability and statistics)
2011 - present: Private tutor in GCSE, AS/A-LEVEL Maths whenever time allows.

Tutoring Approach

My approach in teaching is simple and friendly. I provide a brief overview of the subject matter, clarify any tricky points then proceed to solve related maths problems ideally previous papers. I believe that all students, whatever their capabilities, are able to understand most mathematical concepts (up to a certain level :)) as long as they can engage fully and practice regularly what they learn. As a Maths tutor and data analyst with daily exposure to mathematical methods and reasoning, the key approach for me is to provide several options to explain the same concept. Invariably, this always works.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Arabic
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Uni. of Constantine, Algeria1984BachelorsBSc
Uni. of Aberystwyth, Wales1989MastersMPhil
Uni. of Aberystwyth, Wales1994DoctoratePhD

Cherif's Feedback

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