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My name is Charlotte Gill

I am currently Available Mondays/ Tuesdays and may consider opening up Sundays as an option after Xmas.


I have a unique teaching style which is perfect for anyone, in particular learners who need a confidence boost or find it challenging to learn their subject. Working with both the conscious AND the subconscious for increased learning power.

What you will get
A happier more relaxed learner
They wil be shown how to learn 'smarter' not harder
Much more confidence
Increased memory power
Increased focus when studying
A wealth of knowledge from a qualified Teacher with over 10yrs experience
Truly personalised tuition which takes a holistic view of the learner and works with their strengths and areas for improvement
Optional Hypnotherapy for any other issues such as anxiety, fears, phobias, bullying or any current issue that may be affecting learning by preventing wellbeing.

I qualified as a Secondary Science Teacher from Sheffield Hallam University and have been Teaching Science, Math and English for over 10 years now both in South Yorkshire Schools and as a Private Tutor.

I am also a fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and I incorporate mindfulness and stress relieving / memory and focus techniques into my teaching style as standard. I believe this approach achieves the BEST results. All tuition includes mindfulness practice and study booster techniques (if necessary) I am also in the unique position to offer clinicsl Hypnotherapy for any other issues/ barriers to learning.

I am a fully qualified clinical Hypnotherapist in Sheffield having run successful clinics in Sheffield, online and on Harley street. I am registered with the GHR and the CNCH and I have a vision for Education which can combine the two disciplines in this way to benefit all types of learners.

Tutoring Experience

Over 10 +years teaching experience
Own and run my own Hypnotherapy & Advanced Learning clinic (10yrs+)
Tutored at- one at The Robert Ogden National Autistic School.
5yrs Home education experience
Connections to local Schools offering homework clubs and running in School mindfulness sessions.

Tutoring Approach

Advanced Learning Sheffield

Working with the conscious AND the subconscious for a more powerful learning experience. The subconscious is the more vast part of the brain and it is here where memory and learning is taken from the conscious 'short-term memory' and stored in the 'long-term memory' by repetition and understanding. A healthy subconscious can greatly aid learning, boost memory and focus and produce a great deal of wellbeing at the same time.
Using a combination of mindfulness and Accelerated learning techniques is the BEST way to enhance learning and gain results FAST.

Increased confidence
Stress relief
increased focus
improved memory storage
Increased memory recall
Freedom from worry
Happier student
Better Grades

I also tutor all levels of HE with my holistic approach to learning and tailor any learning to the individual learner.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Sheffield Hallam University2008BachelorsSecondary Science Education
Sheffield Hallam University2011PGCESecondary science Teaching (Physics specialism)
GTC2011QTSQTS standards
Innervisions School of Clinical Hypnosis2014ProfessionalHypnotherapy Practitioner

Charlotte's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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