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Private English and Religious Studies Tuition in Solihull

I am a very active retired person and a widower. I enjoy high class furniture restoration, gardening, clock repair, rambling and mountain walking and am an active member of my local church.
I am Chair of Governors at a local J&I school.

Tutoring Experience

I have been actively involved in teaching Religious Education, Philosophy and English during a long and successful career in education, including 23 years as a headteacher. I have also worked for some years advising senior staff in schools and as a school improvement partner.

Tutoring Approach

I establish candidates' learning needs and explore the issues that have caused them to seek additional help. This facilitates setting an agenda of topics for study. I also use a variety of teaching/learning methods with the aim of enabling students to understand the topics and to confidently retrieve relevant information fro memory. I share in studying exam questions and provide 'model answers' at the end of the process. I also help to plan revision and advise re the most effective use of time for study in line with the most recent research.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Universities of London and Birmingham1974MastersCBE, BD, MEd, FRSA
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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