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I am a successful leader of Psychology and RS teacher working in Cardiff . I have previously worked at a large High School, an outstanding independent boarding school and currently work at one of best co-educational schools in Cardiff. I have helped students achieve exceptional examination results and have been recognized for my outstanding lessons.
I graduated with Psychology in 2006, studied, completed a postgraduate certificate in Religious Studies in 2008 and completed a PGCE Secondary (Religious Education) in June 2009.

Tutoring Experience

I have been the lead and sole Psychology teacher at A level where results have been 100% A* to C grades, and AS results 100% A and B grades.
It was very gratifying to know that I contributed to students attaining the A* grade. This success coupled with the fact that 95% of my year 13 Psychology class achieved A*-B grade giving an indication of how successful I am in the class room. I now a teach the WJEC Psychology specifications and WJEC/Eduqas RS but have taught AQA Psychology and RS.
I can tutor in almost any specification.

Tutoring Approach

The results are due to a very organised, exam specific approach to learning that prepares students for the exam. I work on exam technique, gaps in knowledge and problems with understanding by setting tasks and working through issues. I can provide additional material for tutees that will support them in their learning and provide effective critique of work completed.
I am a WJEC Psychology examiner and understand how students are best able to achieve the most marks in the exam.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Trinity University2009PGCESecondary Religious education
Trinity University2008OtherWorld Religions
Swansea University2006BachelorsBA Psychology 2:1

Cathryn's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Religious StudiesIn-personOnline
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