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Hello, I'm Carolina.

I am an educator and tutor with 12,000 hours of experience who aims to motivate students to broaden their curiosity and critical thinking in classes planned to enable them to solve problems, explore, dialogue and apply skills creatively for deep and meaningful learning.

The materials are developed according to best practices and the latest advances including those in educational psychology and neuroscience to greatly enhance the learning experience in a blend that allows students to progress at their optimum pace.

Tutoring Experience

2005 - Present Educator and Tutor
• Maths and English: Entrance Exams, 7+, 8+, Singapore Maths, Maths Mastery, Mindset Mathematics; English as a Foreign Language, GCSE English, Essay Writing.
• Collaboration with a well known Clinic: Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Homeschooling.
• In company Spanish courses at: The Guardian, WPP, Momentum Pictures, Gaucho, etc.

Tutoring Approach

This approach led me to discover good teaching principles grouped in what is called “Singapore Maths”, applied in countries where students perform very well in international rankings. I have prepared students to gain entrance into top schools and to participate in invitation only after school clubs and the Maths Olympiads.

I also teach students with Special Educational Needs and in this capacity collaborate with The Parent Infant Clinic in Hampstead. Schools have requested advise on how I teach children who at 11 or 17 haven’t learned literacy until they meet me. I am an archetypal cosmologist, with a diploma in psychological astrology and communication sciences and this understanding gives me invaluable insights to understand how to best foster the potential in every student. A mother with a child with severe Dyslexia said: “My son has only had 4 lessons so far and his progress has been fantastic and his confidence has rocketed” and later added: “It has been a life changing experience for him”.

Another mother recently phoned me to say: “my daughter moved from the fifth group in her class to achieve a 9 at the end of year 4” - after only five lessons with me. Equally, an adult studying Bioinformatics at Imperial College recently said: “It’s not easy to find someone who is multi-talented and is prepared to teach what they know to others and so well”. I aim to engage and inspire all students to expand their horizons. 

LanguagesSpanish, English (British), Italian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Regent's University London and Centre for Psychological Astrology, London2011ProfessionalCertficate in Psychotherapy and Counselling (Expected 2017) and Diploma in Psychological Astrology
International House, London2005ProfessionalCertificate Language Teaching to Adults (English and Spanish)
SOAS, University of London and National University of Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires2003MastersMSc International Politics and BSc Social Communication
Maths - No Problem!, London2017ProfessionalMaths Mastery in Depth (Singapore Maths)

Caroline's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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