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Online French and History Tuition

Hello! I am from a small town in the West Midlands called Leek. From a comprehensive school here I achieved A*A*A*A at A-level, and was admitted to the University of Oxford and Princeton University, where I completed my bachelors. I then taught English as a foreign language in Nantes, France, before completing an MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History at the University of Cambridge. I love literature, art, film, tennis, the NBA, language learning, and music.

Tutoring Experience

In high school I taught mathematics to gifted younger students. After graduating from Princeton, I taught English as a foreign language both to Korean professionals online, in which I have hundreds of hours of experience, and in French primary schools. I have also advised many students on admission to US universities.

Tutoring Approach

I always tailor my teaching approach to the student's needs and preferences. In teaching English as a foreign language, I enjoy explaining the principles of the language at a deeper level, which my experience teaching Korean students, whose principles of grammar are very different, and my own experience learning French have made me appreciate.

In history, philosophy, and politics, I have been fortunate to be taught and advised by some of the world's leading scholars, and I would take great pleasure in getting interested students to think carefully about the relevant issues of explanation, which are so crucial to show a knowledge of to achieve the top grades in these subjects.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Princeton University2021BachelorsPublic and International Affairs
University of Cambridge2023MastersIntellectual History and Political Thought
Rating from 2 references


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