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Private English Tuition in Rowlands Gill

I tutor groups and individuals from 11 years and higher in English Literature & Language, and Drama; in developing their reading and writing skills, critical thinking and creativity, preparing for GCSE and A-Level examinations, as well as university essay writing.

I am passionate about education, as well as animal care. I foster all kinds of animals who need a home. I am recently DBS checked - safeguarding is my top priority in my teaching practice.

Whether it's to prepare for upcoming exams or essays, grow confidence in class or to further develop skills, I provide the highest quality tuition.

For a 15-minute free online consultation, and/or any questions, please get in touch.

I offer Email Tutoring at £25 per week, where I set weekly tasks, or look at homework, and provide written and recorded video feedback, each week.

As well as the above, I run small group (2-4 pupils) online tutorials for GCSE English Literature & Language for £25 per 1-hour tutorial.


Tutoring Experience

I am a fully qualified and experienced tutor, with a PhD, Master of Fine Arts degree and Postgraduate Certificate in Education. My previous roles include lecturing at De Montfort Uni, teaching at an Ofsted Outstanding secondary school, as well as a GCSE examiner.

Tutoring Approach

I am an advocate for the love of learning and instil it in my teaching. My approach includes pedagogical methods such as questioning (with Bloom's Taxonomy) and the Magenta Principles.

These methods encourage a curiosity and flow that is tailored to the student's needs and progression, reflected in 100% of my students exceeding their predicted grades, with 90% improving by 2 or more grades, and 25% achieving 3 grades above.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available Not On File


De Montfort University2025DoctoratePerformance Studies
Newcastle University2018PGCESecondary Teaching (English)
East 15 Acting School2013MastersTheatre Directing
University of Sunderland2011BachelorsEnglish & Drama
Rating from 1 reference


Subjects taught
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