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Muhammad Awais

Muhammad Awais

Private Maths and English Tuition in Leeds

A professional career focus on supply chain and logistics along with other interests in technology, world business news and politics and web designing. I enjoy reading and learning new things and keep myself up to date especially which are IT and business related.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught different subjects from to ages rangng from 8 year to adults. I have more than 5 years of experience in tutoring students in Mathematics and Computer related subjects. I have taught Mathematics up to GCSE level, and ICT to children and mature students. My solid background in business based on educational and work experience makes me an ideal candidiate for tutoring business subjects as well.

Tutoring Approach

Initially, my approach is to give students a brief overview of what the topics will be covered and how these relate to us in the real world. This encourages students and gives them the motivation to learn actively.
Firstly, I start where the student feels comfortable and can demonstrate that he/she can complete tasks without requiring guidance. This approach is used in an incremental fashion so that the student does not get overwhelmed with too much information in a short time. I move to the next level only when the student can demonstrate independent accomplishment of tasks. Secondly, concepts are reinforced by regular revision and short tests.
Lastly, different concepts which have been taught are then merged together in a way that it all makes sense and that as far possible, no concept is left as a standalone. This helps to reinforce the idea which of the topics are important and relevant.

There is no standard number of hours for tutoring any subject, but as a guideline, I advise students 3 hours per week per subject, either in two sessions of 1.5 hours or three 1 hour sessions,

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Warwick2007MastersMasters in Supply Engineering and Logistics, 2007
IBA2006OtherPost Graduate Diploma Business Studies, 2006
Hamdard University2004BachelorsBachelors in Software Development, 2004
TCS1998CollegeA/O Levels, 1998.
Muhammad Awais
Rating from 2 references


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