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Chemistry and Biology Tuition in Leicester

My name is Awais, I hold a PhD in Biochemistry from Uni of Leicester and a bachelors in Medical Biochemistry with 1st class. I supervised several Master, Undergraduate research projects with expertise in writing, data collection, data analysis. Teaching science is my passion, and delivered teaching and research related services to my clients to their utmost satisfaction.

Tutoring Experience

I have 10 years of experience in tutoring biology and Chemistry to GCSE and A level students. I have taught biochemistry to undergraduate and postgraduate students studying in England, the USA and Australia, and won accolades of my students in conveying key subject related concepts effectively. I delivered teaching and research projects to Saudi and USA-based clients.

Tutoring Approach

I start with understanding students' learning aptitude, learning requirements, followed by incorporation of students needs into lessons, focussing on students learning needs, allowing them to flourish at their own pace, motivating them to excel in their disciples, guiding them to use the right sources and resources to become leaders in their disciplines.

References Available On File


University of Leicester2013DoctorateBiochemistry
Uni of Punjab1997BachelorsBA (English Literature)
Rating from 2 references


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