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I am an English and creative writing graduate, and have a great love for these subjects. Tuition sessions with me are relaxed and friendly as well as productive.

Tutoring Experience

I have been a private tutor visiting students at home since 2011, tutoring at KS3 and GCSE. Since 2014, I have also worked at a tuition centre in Luton, where my duties include planning and delivering full GCSE English language and literature courses. I have marked English language exams since 2016, and English literature exams since 2018. I am fully qualified to teach students aged 14+.

Tutoring Approach

It is very important for a tutor to get to know her students, and I always take the time to listen to their interests and anything they want to tell me, as well as looking at their school work with them. I take the time to ask questions, and to work through tasks with students to ascertain exactly what it is they need. I tailor resources to their needs and, where possible, their interests. I keep things light, friendly and humorous as well as professional. I want students to enjoy our work together, and not see it as a chore, so I put every effort into making sessions a positive experience. My specialism is GCSE English, and students find my simple teaching of exam technique particularly useful, as this is often lacking or can get lost in traditional classroom study.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Bedfordshire2018PGCEPost-14 Teaching
Kingston University2008MastersCreative Writing
University of Hertfordshire2007BachelorsEnglish Literature
The Open University2020OtherHumanities (Art History) PGCert

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