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Maths and English Tuition in Pinner

Hi, I'm Ankit, and I'm a junior doctor, actor and writer. I graduated from UCL medical school in 2020 and whilst there I also completed a iBSc in Global Health.

I have worked as a tutor for over 10 years, supporting children through exams ranging from key stage 2 to undergraduate level. I love teaching, in my role as a doctor teaching medical students, as an actor supporting kids in classes and as a tutor in a variety of subjects.

I enjoy many different activities outside of medicine. These include sports such as rugby, tennis, cycling and rowing, as well as other activities such as drama, debating and photography. I have found that this varied background allows me to connect with my students and create a better teaching environment. By using common interests to create real world scenarios of problems, I have succeeded in making my tutoring sessions both stimulating and interesting for my students.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored in sciences, maths, english, drama, art, photography and both 11+ and medical school entrance exams and applications. I have an impeccable track record of improvement and high achievement from my students and I maintain that by keeping tutorials exciting and engaging. I currently tutor 2 GCSE maths students who are in top sets and I have just finished with an A level chemistry student who improved from D to A after retakes. I have over 15 years teaching experience. Starting at school tutoring younger students both at lunch times and after school, and progressing to tutoring whilst at university in London. I have also both taught and co-ordinated a module in the undergraduate medical school teaching on Expedition & Wilderness Medicine for the last two years. This involved co-ordinating a 10 week course on various aspects of medicine outside of hospital settings. The sessions were taught to groups of 12-14 students, so I am comfortable teaching in both group and one-to-one sessions.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that teaching style is about understanding the student's learning style. I tailor each session to how my student learns, whether that be visual, situational, orally or written. I take time to learn about their interests and try to apply them to the subject being taught. For example, the physics that can be applied to their favourite sport, or the literary devices that are used to convey emotions that they may have experienced. This allows them to use memories they already have and adapt them to better remember the information from the lesson. These methods have proven to be extremely successful for me over the past several years.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University College London2016BachelorsBSc Medical Sciences with Global Health
AQA2012CollegeA level Chemistry
AQA2012CollegeA level Biology
OCR2012CollegeA level Maths
Rating from 3 references


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