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Private Maths and Physics Tuition in Cardiff

I have a bachelor's degree in Physics and a master's degree in Gravitational Wave Physics. I am also fluent in Spanish, having teaching experience at a Spanish-medium school, and near fluent in Russian.

Tutoring Experience

During my bachelor's degree, I marked homework and labs for the physics department. Also during my bachelor's degree, I spent two months in Ecuador, where I worked with other university students to implement a challenge-based learning curriculum while teaching at the Alborada school. The summer after my bachelor's degree, I did an internship during which I co-developed Model Mars, a programme in which secondary school students solve global problems while learning about how humans might live on Mars.

Tutoring Approach

I want to help students learn to solve problems themselves.

LanguagesEnglish (American)
References Available On File


Cardiff University2024MastersGravitational Wave Physics
Worcester Polytechnic Institute2023BachelorsPhysics
Rating from 2 references


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