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Home Tuition for Physics and Chemistry in Huntingdon

(Updated January 2024)


Fully booked for after-school slots for academic year 2024/25. Day time slots still available.

I am a qualified Secondary School Physics teacher currently teaching KS3-KS5 Science and leading the Physics department in a Cambridgeshire state school. I have 12 years classroom experience.

Does your son or daughter need extra support with a transition from KS3 to GCSE?
Do they need a confidence boost and practice during their GCSE years?
Are they currently struggling with school attendance and needing support with keeping up with their Science studies?
Are they neurodivergent and studying at home as they find the classroom experience overwhelming but want to continue their Science learning?
Consider me as a tutor.

I have a strong Science background which began with A*s in Separate Science GCSE. I am a graduate of Physics (BSc) from University of Leeds, where I achieved a 2.1. I completed my teacher training (PGCE) at UEA where I gained experience of the state and independent sector.

Tutoring Experience

I am a qualified secondary school teacher and have experience of teaching KS3-KS4 General Science and KS5 Physics. As I was Head of Subject, I was involved in scheme of work writing for KS3 and KS4 topics within my department, specialising in GCSE Physics and A Level Physics courses; therefore I have very detailed knowledge of the current curriculum. I have taught from OCR, AQA and Edexcel exam boards and tutored many including IGCSE, and am aware it's important to take this into account when preparing lessons.

I am an examiner for an exam board and therefore am aware of common mistakes students make and approaches to avoid them.

I have mentored trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers. I believe my caring and approachable nature has helped boost the confidence and progress of those I have mentored.

I have several years tutoring experience with a range of students from state and independent schools.

Tutoring Approach

Each tutee has completely different requirements and it is important that you choose a tutor who takes into account an individual's needs. It may be, for example, a tutee needs help with new content and the tutoring session requires a 1-1 lesson style or a tutee may need to focus on improving exam technique in questions where working through questions and mark schemes is more appropriate.
I will prepare sessions to suit each tutee and I aim to engage and enthuse them in the subject.

I have a passion for the education of young people and look to help those who may need a confidence boost in Physics and the other Sciences or seek to improve their understanding further. I praise my class students who take the initiative to find me outside of lessons at school as I am keen for them not worry about asking questions if they need extra help.

I am also keen to remove the stigma that Physics is the 'hardest' Science and aim to promote it as a subject amongst girls.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


UEA2011PGCESecondary Science (specialism in Physics)
University of Leeds2010BachelorsPhysics (2:1 BSc)
Sixth Form2007SchoolA2 Physics, A2 Maths, A2 Geography
Rating from 3 references


Subjects taught
Combined ScienceIn-personOnline
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