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Combined Science and Computer Studies / I.T. Tutoring in Chester

In addition to extensive experience in software development, I am also highly innovative, and results driven. Ability to convey complex technical concepts logically. Having taught training, developed outstanding software applications, and worked on a team is valuable to me. The opportunity to work at a respected organization that focuses on professional excellence would be an exciting opportunity for me. Ultimately, I hope to work for a company that develops tools and services that impact the future work environment positively. I am a talented, innovative software engineer with a strong sense of leadership. My degree is in Software Engineering, and I am a highly successful self-starter. I have a variety of skills in Software Engineering development.

Tutoring Experience

Python Artificial Intelligence Teaching Trainee

Artificial Intelligence application in improving customer experiences, Artificial Intelligence for Experts Banking Systems has been researched together with sophisticated algorithms and Neural Networks python application to detect fraud and automate banking communication tasks. I was researching robotics industries through case studies. A pattern recognition application was presented during the presentation on Machine Learning. Data analysis methods using Python Artificial Intelligence were used to build educational programs to identify patterns, make decisions, and apply machine learning techniques to data with minimal human involvement. I used the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for regression and classification because the data mining artificial intelligence work directed us to use it.

Computer Science Instructor and Teaching Assistant

I taught and instructed software development using the Python programming language and various frameworks while working on my Teaching assignments. I research and prepare content for computer science and python programs and presented the contents to students so that they learn both theoretically and practically, thereby becoming much more efficient programmers when writing python codes, such as the use of case statements rather than the inefficient elif. Assisting with the cover teaching duties and applying formative assessments during classes.

Tutoring Approach

According to the well-structured (Gravells, 2017) teaching and learning cycle, identifying needs is an essential part of the teaching and learning process. This research will evaluate (Gravells, 2017) against (Maslow’s 1943) hierarchy of needs for devising a bespoke digital competency needs identification. (Gravells, 2017) defines the process of needs identification and highlights the need for the educational establishment, the learners, and the teachers. This research highlights my digital competencies needs as a computer science teacher within the different education sectors. During the lockdown measures, (Maslow’s, 1943) hierarchy of needs is proven very valid despite the fact it is a 79-year-old theory! The needs identification methods for teaching and learning articulated both (Gravells, 2017) and (Maslow’s 1943) hierarchy of needs are incorporated in this research to meet the Digital Competence Framework: Curriculum for Wales 2008 version vision as the educational standards for teaching digital competencies and to adhere to the order of learning competencies stated by (Bloom, 1956) as a teaching competency for scalable learning orders within the digital competencies. Based on these theoretical backgrounds, my needs as a digital competency teacher are also further supported by the (Kolb, 2012) reflective practices cycle where the following stages: concrete experience, thoughtful observations, abstract conceptualisation, and active experimentation have had given a sound plan for future actions needed to be taken to improve my teaching practices. This action plan is a complementary practice to the current expected teaching standard. However, the incorporated (Kolb, 2012) reflective cycle practices accompanied by (Gravells, 2017), (Maslow, 1943), (Bloom, 1956) taxonomy and Digital Competence Framework also give good ground for further future need identifications as these needs are dynamic and change rapidly with time, due to the changing teaching requirements and standard. The formation of my teaching needs identifications is constructed with another two critical variables: the learners’ needs and meeting the syllabus needs for level 2 and level 3 computer science and software developments, even though blended learning was not taken into consideration during the Covid19 lockdown measures and some cases the element of remote understanding of the blended teaching was the essential teaching techniques that have had met most syllabus requirements and standards. On this note, I have identified a distinct need for my teaching qualities to improve to meet the remote teaching standards. These identified needs are based on formative assessments during a remote teaching session. The learners could not be adequately assessed instantaneously through remote learning due to technical issues articulated in internet connections and the ability to use remote teaching platforms such as Google classrooms and Microsoft teams. Moreover, the learners’ ability to cope with these unexpected platforms is noted during rapid and variable formative assessments. However, both level 2 and Level computer science learners perform to the higher order of Bloom 1956 taxonomy in online quizzes formative assessments like bespoke Google quizzes and Kahoot. This indicates a need for this kind of assessment. Investigated the learners’ preferred learning style is at the centre of this shortcoming. This aligns with (Gravells, 2017) chapter 3 learners and teaching needs identification. It is then incorporated into chapter 4 planning of teaching materials, and thus it fits nicely into an improvement plan that needs Identification. This research explores the needed improvement in effective remote formative assessments. This teaching this digital learning and teaching competencies have been introduced by Covid19 lockdown teaching and learning methods and are not missioned in level 2 and 3 digital competencies standards and syllabus. They are purely contingencies planning measures. However, they are becoming a measure of safe learning, and thus it has become a real need supported by (Maslow 1943) second-level hierarchy of needs immediately after physiological needs. However, to incorporate this in a well-structured action plan, this need will be articulated in three entities (Gravells, 2017) chapter 3 learners, educational establishment and teachers need. At this stage, the educational establishment needs a good standard for teaching using remote learning, which will effectively incorporate the challenges of effective formative assessment remotely. Having mansion these challenges as a teacher for levels 2 and 3, I will be more proactive and devise an improvement action plan for remote teaching and formative assessments before it becomes mandatory in future curriculum updates that could include them. The lack of maturity and platform diversities of remote learning have made attending improvement for these teaching needs a complex task. understanding of both the learners’ and educational establishments’ needs (Gravells, 2017) to be construed as a specific action and future teaching plan. The lack of maturity is evident in the Digital Competence Framework: Curriculum for Wales 2008. There is no clear guidance on remote learning and objective and the digital competencies of requirements for levels 2 and 3. Moreover, these software platforms could change faster than the curriculum, and digital competencies change. remote learning where more favourable than the physical classroom environment since it did restore a simulation of the usual schooling activities and classrooms. However, such advantages did introduce some challenges, like instantaneously introducing effective formative assessments (Gravells, 2017) for remote learning. The notion of effective instantaneous formative assessment can help the learners to excel through the content engagements (Gravells, 2017) as it produces better learning because the learning process is validated through stages of remembering new content, main understanding concepts encapsulated within the newly acquired educational content, application of this knowledge, analysing their application to the newly gained educational contents by then the learners will able to be produce and development contents of their own abstracted from the lesson sources should include this formative assessment (Gravells, 2017) validation are executed effectively. During the remote teaching environment, it was noted that these formative assessment validation processes are somewhat affected by technical and nontechnical issues. Therefore, an action plan to maximise the learning processes so that the learner will successfully engage with the educational contents and reproduce learnt substances. Blended learning is becoming much more prominent in the last few years, and it was growing gradually, supporting continuous professional development (CPD).

LanguagesEnglish (British), Arabic
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


London Metropolitan University2016BachelorsSoftware Engineering
Coleg Cambria2019CollegeTeaching and Training
Aberystwyth University 2022OtherTeaching Qualification
London oplex careers2021OtherTeaching assistant level 5
Rating from 2 references


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