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Private Italian and English (Foreign Language) Tuition in Renfrew

I am a graduate from the international master’s degree Erasmus Mundus – Crossways in Cultural Narratives - a two-year degree program that has taken place in three European countries as well as being taught in three different languages (namely Italian, English and French). My experiences of studying European languages over a fifteen year period mean that I understand the challenges and difficulties that each student can go through, particularly in relation to pronunciation and grammar.

In addition, as a passionate cultural communicator, I appreciate that learning and, therefore, teaching a language means also understanding the cultural framework of a specific country. The interdisciplinary nature of my studies enables me to communicate the multiple nuances of Italian culture through literature, cinema, graphic novels as well as food, thus channeling the complete picture of my complex and beautiful country.

Tutoring Experience

My experience is mostly related to my role as a student of four languages but I have prepared and delivered lessons to students of English as a foreign language to adults and children. I am currently giving private, one to one Italian lessons to adult learners.

I also like to update my teaching skills by following on line courses, one of which is the British Council's 'Professional Practices for English Language Teaching'.

Tutoring Approach

Practice in variety of contexts from the beginning without forgetting the importance of grammar.

Foundations of grammar will provide a key for the learning of languages in the future and I make sure to explain and define aspects of grammar alongside a simultaneous exploration of speaking, writing, reading and listening tasks. It is important that these tasks come from a selection of stimuli that we can decide together depending on your interests.

My aims when teaching a language:-

  1. Practicing the language, regardless of ability, in as many contexts as possible!
  2. Create a foundation based on Grammar.
LanguagesItalian, English (British), French, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Rome2010BachelorsScienze della comunicazione, informazione, marketing
British Council2015OtherIELTS Academic
University of Sheffield, University of Bergamo, University of Perpignan2018MastersErasmus Mundus MA - Crossways in Cultural Narratives
British Council2016OtherCambridge Proficiency

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Casual Learner£20£18
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