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Alan Douglas

Alan Douglas

Hi, I am Douglas, I have taught and mentored for the past twenty years and have had many students who have progressed to University and am currently mentoring my latest two students, one studying International Politics at Masters level at Warwick and another taking second year law at Exeter.

Tutoring Experience

I began teaching privately in 1998 having just finished my degree in Aberystwyth

Tutoring Approach

My teaching approach, whilst obviously teaching the subject itself I tend toward teaching learning, allowing students to understand how to approach the subject matter and analyse what is required to present and understanding of the subject rather than 'rote' learned processes.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Wales Aberystwyth1998Bachelors2:1 Economics and Social Studies in InternationalRelations
Alan Douglas
Rating from 2 references


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