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Online English and Entrance Exams Tuition


I'm a northern lad from a state school in Yorkshire currently studying English at Christ's College, Cambridge.

I absolutely love poetry, literature, and art in general, and can't wait to share my enthusiasm.

I'm an exhibition scholar here at Christ's, but I remember vividly what it's like to not totally grasp a poem, or to not quite know the best way to put your thoughts into words.

Tutoring Experience

I've tutored before, and am always helping out friends and family members!

Tutoring Approach

At Cambridge the teaching model is based around 'practical criticism' -- a really powerful system of reading a text that's perfect for picking up loads of extra marks in GCSE and A Level.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Cambridge2018BachelorsBA English
Thirsk School2016CollegeA Level, English Literature, Economics, Maths
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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